Monday, June 29, 2015

First Page Using PHP

Today We will see that how to write first PHP enabled Program and test that on Browser !
  • Basic Thing Before write a program in PHP.

  1. You required a Server like Apache or any other with PHP configuration.  
  2. You Should Create the PHP file in "DOCUMENT_ROOT"  for XAMPP (htdocs), for WAMP(WWW ), for IIS(WWW) and so for. Directory as PHP.ini are configured.
  3. Start to write a PHP Script
                File name: Hello.php 

  <html>  <head> <title> My First PHP Program! </title> </head><body><?php
                    /*PHP Script Start Here.*/ 
echo "Welcome to PHP!"; /* This statement print the Message Welcome to PHP! */?></body><html>
Then open start the service and then Open or http://localhost/Hello.php 

Output will Display like this..
Code in Editor.

Output on Browser.

In output in Browser Picture 1: Title of the Page
                                               2: Address in which your php is save (DOCUMENT_ROOT/blogs)
                                                3:Output of PHP Script!
If you try to see the source of the page in Browser the PHP Script look like test.

View Source Window in Opera.
              Highlighted Part the Main PHP Script <?php echo "Welcome to PHP!" ?>
             After Process by Apache Server the Script become "Welcome to PHP!".

  •          If output is display like below code that means your PHP Configuration in not Set     Correctly to do that and restart the server and then try. 

 <title>PHP Test</title>
 <p>Hello World</p>
Have a Good day and Happy Programming..

Saturday, June 27, 2015

Install PHP, MySQL, Apache and PHPMYADMIN..

Hello Friends,                              
             Before Write a PHP program it is necessary to configure the PHP with any Server like Apache or IIS or any other by using which it may possible to access the page.

      Today We will see that how to install PHP and Apache..
  •       There are two method to install the web server setup
  • First Method
    1.     Download the PHP Click Here.
    2.     Download Apache to Click Here.
Now Extract these .zip files and place in the C:/Apache and Configure Environment Variable.

  • Second Method
    1.  Download XAMPP (consist of Apache, MySQL, PHP, PHPMyAdmin). Click Here.
    2.  Download WAMP (Windows Apache, MySQL, PHP). Click Here
  • According to me XAMPP is best because it consist with all the required software setup for the web server designing and hosting.
  •  XAMPP and WAMP are .exe (executable file) it do all task automatically so not any configuration required after install directly after finish the installation, just start the service of Apache by clicking on Start.
xampp ctrl panel
Interface of XAMPP

 After start the service click here. or click here.

Hope so that you understand it if having any problem related to setup of XAMPP/WAMP or PHP and Apache to write the comment below in comment box.

Assignment 1 Question 3 (Server side and Client Side Scripting)

* @author   :       Rajendra Kumar Yadav
* @filename :     a1q3.php
* @date     :         23:53:58 Sat 27- Jun - 2015 IST
* College Work: Assignment 1 Question 3
* College :           ATSS College PHP Practical
 <html Copyright (c) 2015 Copyright Rajendra Kumar Yadav All Rights Reserved. lang="en">
 <head> <title> Assignment 1 Question 3 </title> </head>
 <h3 class='test'> Assignment 1 Question 3 </h3>
 <hr align=center color=red size=2px>
 <body align=center bgcolor= antiquewhite>
   <style media="screen">
   .test {

      font-weight: normal;
      font-family: "Times new Roman";
      align-items: center;
      font-language-override: normal;
      color: inherit;
   <pre class="test">
     <form method="post" action="<?php $_PHP_SELF ?>">
       <label for="str1">Enter String 1 </label>      <input type="text" name="str1" required autofocus value="<?php if(isset($_POST['str1'])) echo $_POST['str1']; ?>"/><br/>
       <label for="str2">Enter String 2 </label>     <input type="text" name="str2" required autofocus value="<?php if(isset($_POST['str2'])) echo $_POST['str2']; ?>"/><br/>

       <h3 class='test'> --:Select Your Choice:-- </h3>
       <hr color=red size=0.5px align=center>
              Append Strings                  <input type="radio" value="append" name="ch"/>
  Size of length of String 1                  <input type="radio" value="string1len" name="ch"/>
        Reverse First String                  <input type="radio" value="stringrev" name="ch"/>
       <hr color=red size=0.5px align=center>
       <input type="submit" value="Check"/>     <input type="reset" value="Clear Areas"/>



  echo "<hr align=center color=red> Concated String is:-"." $str1" . "$str2";
 if($ch=='string1len') {
  echo "<hr align=center color=red> String length is :-  ". strlen($str1);
if($ch=='stringrev') {
  echo "<hr align=center color=red>First String Reverse & second as its is :- ". " $temp "." $str2";


Images to Work on the page...

Concatenation of Two String

Main Form View

Reverse First String and Print Overall String

Length of First String

Assignment 1 Question 2 (Server Side Scripting Part using PHP).

@autor Rajendra Kumar Yadav
@Check the Substring position
@Check First and last occurance Position
@ Replace Small Substring with some new substring.

function POSITION($n,$n1)
echo "The Substring 2 Occurs at position ".$c." and ".$c1;
function OCCUR_SUBSTR($n,$n1)
echo "The Substring ".$n1 ." occured ".$c2." times.";

function REPLACER($n,$n1,$n2)
echo "First String is ".$n;
echo "Second String is ".$n1;
echo "New String is ".$n2;



Assignment 1 Question 2 (HTML Form Part)

*@author Rajendra Kumar Yadav
*@File a1q2.php (Assignment 1 Question 2).
* Other Page name is "a1q1_server_Script.php"
* which control the server script
<html lang="en">
<head> <title> Assignment 1 Question 2 </title> </head>
<h3 align="center">  Assignment 1 Question 2 </h3>
<hr color="lightblue" size=0.5px width=1024>
<body align=center bgcolor=lightgrey>
<div id=main>
<form method="post" action="a1q1_server_Script.php">
Enter the First String <input type=text name=str1><br/>
Enter The Second String <input type=text name=str2><br/>
Enter The Third String <input type=text name=str3><br/>
<hr color="navy" width=800px size=0.5px align=center>
First and last Position <input type=radio name="ch" value="first_last_pos"/>
Occurance of substring <input type=radio name="ch" value="occ_substring"/>
Replace the Second with Third String <input type=radio name="ch" value="replacer"/>
<hr color="navy" width=800px size=0.5px align=center/>
<input type=submit value=Check> <input type=reset value=Clear>

Friday, June 26, 2015

Assignment 1 Question 1

* @author Rajendra Kumar Yadav
* @date 23:55:40 26-Jun-2015 IST
* ATSS First PHP Program
* Filename a1q1.php
* Assignment 1 Question 1 for Semester III.
<html lang="en">
<head> <title> Assignment 1, Question 1! </title> </head>
<body bgcolor='#000000'>
<h3> Welcome to Assignment 1 and Question 1!</h3>

                $str=$_POST['str']; //Global variable
                $ch=$_POST['ch'];           //Global variable

                function COU($str) //Function to check the vowel occurance
                                                $c=substr($copystr,$i,1); //main statement for this and logic are below...
                                                                if($c=='A' || $c=='a' || $c=='E' || $c=='e' || $c=='I' || $c=='i' || $c=='O' ||$c=='o' || $c=='U' || $c=='u')
 echo "<hr color=#785be0>";
                                echo "<center>Total Occurance of Vowel are <strong>".$cnt."</strong></center>";
                if($ch=="count") //checking if radio is to count the vowel to call COU($str) with $str parameter
                function EACH_OCCUR($str)       //same other fucntion defination...
                                $c=substr($strcpy,$i,1); //statement under for loop to check each position of the string and below the logic are...
                                                if($c=='A' || $c=='a')
                                                if($c=='E' || $c=='e')
                                                if($c=='I' || $c=='i')
                                                if($c=='O' || $c=='o')
                                                if($c=='U' || $c=='u')
                }  echo "<hr color=#785be0>"; //printing the occurance ...
                echo "A occurs <strong>".$acnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                echo "E occurs <strong>".$ecnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                echo "I occurs <strong>".$icnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                echo "O occurs <strong>".$ocnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                echo "U occurs <strong>".$ucnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                                                EACH_OCCUR($str); //if radio to count each vowel seprately soo call to EACH_OCCUR($str) with parameter $str.
                function PAL($str)  //for palindrom
                                $strcpy=strrev($str); //reverse the string and store in the $strcpy
                                 echo "<hr color=#785be0>";
                                                print("Entered String is Palndorm");
                                                print("Entered string is not a Palndrom");

<hr color="#000000">
<form method="post">
<label for="str">Enter The String</label>             <input title="text" name="str" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['str'])) echo $_POST['str'];?>" required/><br/>
<br><br><hr color="#000000">
<label for="Choice"> Select your Choice </label><hr color="#201100" width="180px" align="center">
Count the number of Vowel                                                                       <input type="radio" name="ch" value="count" required>
Occurence of Each Vowel                                                                                             <input type="radio" name="ch" value="occ">
To check that the String is Palindrom of not         <input type="radio" name="ch" value="pal"><br/>
<hr color="black">
<input type="submit" value="Check">                                  <input type="reset" value="Clear">
