Saturday, June 27, 2015

Assignment 1 Question 2 (HTML Form Part)

*@author Rajendra Kumar Yadav
*@File a1q2.php (Assignment 1 Question 2).
* Other Page name is "a1q1_server_Script.php"
* which control the server script
<html lang="en">
<head> <title> Assignment 1 Question 2 </title> </head>
<h3 align="center">  Assignment 1 Question 2 </h3>
<hr color="lightblue" size=0.5px width=1024>
<body align=center bgcolor=lightgrey>
<div id=main>
<form method="post" action="a1q1_server_Script.php">
Enter the First String <input type=text name=str1><br/>
Enter The Second String <input type=text name=str2><br/>
Enter The Third String <input type=text name=str3><br/>
<hr color="navy" width=800px size=0.5px align=center>
First and last Position <input type=radio name="ch" value="first_last_pos"/>
Occurance of substring <input type=radio name="ch" value="occ_substring"/>
Replace the Second with Third String <input type=radio name="ch" value="replacer"/>
<hr color="navy" width=800px size=0.5px align=center/>
<input type=submit value=Check> <input type=reset value=Clear>

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