Friday, June 26, 2015

Assignment 1 Question 1

* @author Rajendra Kumar Yadav
* @date 23:55:40 26-Jun-2015 IST
* ATSS First PHP Program
* Filename a1q1.php
* Assignment 1 Question 1 for Semester III.
<html lang="en">
<head> <title> Assignment 1, Question 1! </title> </head>
<body bgcolor='#000000'>
<h3> Welcome to Assignment 1 and Question 1!</h3>

                $str=$_POST['str']; //Global variable
                $ch=$_POST['ch'];           //Global variable

                function COU($str) //Function to check the vowel occurance
                                                $c=substr($copystr,$i,1); //main statement for this and logic are below...
                                                                if($c=='A' || $c=='a' || $c=='E' || $c=='e' || $c=='I' || $c=='i' || $c=='O' ||$c=='o' || $c=='U' || $c=='u')
 echo "<hr color=#785be0>";
                                echo "<center>Total Occurance of Vowel are <strong>".$cnt."</strong></center>";
                if($ch=="count") //checking if radio is to count the vowel to call COU($str) with $str parameter
                function EACH_OCCUR($str)       //same other fucntion defination...
                                $c=substr($strcpy,$i,1); //statement under for loop to check each position of the string and below the logic are...
                                                if($c=='A' || $c=='a')
                                                if($c=='E' || $c=='e')
                                                if($c=='I' || $c=='i')
                                                if($c=='O' || $c=='o')
                                                if($c=='U' || $c=='u')
                }  echo "<hr color=#785be0>"; //printing the occurance ...
                echo "A occurs <strong>".$acnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                echo "E occurs <strong>".$ecnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                echo "I occurs <strong>".$icnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                echo "O occurs <strong>".$ocnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                echo "U occurs <strong>".$ucnt."</strong> times.<br>";
                                                EACH_OCCUR($str); //if radio to count each vowel seprately soo call to EACH_OCCUR($str) with parameter $str.
                function PAL($str)  //for palindrom
                                $strcpy=strrev($str); //reverse the string and store in the $strcpy
                                 echo "<hr color=#785be0>";
                                                print("Entered String is Palndorm");
                                                print("Entered string is not a Palndrom");

<hr color="#000000">
<form method="post">
<label for="str">Enter The String</label>             <input title="text" name="str" value="<?php if(isset($_POST['str'])) echo $_POST['str'];?>" required/><br/>
<br><br><hr color="#000000">
<label for="Choice"> Select your Choice </label><hr color="#201100" width="180px" align="center">
Count the number of Vowel                                                                       <input type="radio" name="ch" value="count" required>
Occurence of Each Vowel                                                                                             <input type="radio" name="ch" value="occ">
To check that the String is Palindrom of not         <input type="radio" name="ch" value="pal"><br/>
<hr color="black">
<input type="submit" value="Check">                                  <input type="reset" value="Clear">


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